The PROOF Centre will be exhibiting at the Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s Seventh Annual World Biomarker Congress 2011 which is taking place from May 2 -4, 2011 at the Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Philadelphia, PA. We are proud to be a corporate …
IO Informatics’ Quarterly Newsletter (Spring 2011)
Click here to read the Spring 2011 issue of the IO Informatics’ Quarterly Newsletter.
In this issue:
- GEN Article and W3C Use-case
- BioIT conference (Workshop, Best Practices, Best in Show, poster)
- Webinar series
- Molecular Medicine Tri-conference tutorial
- B2PM conference
May 2-4, 2011
Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s Seventh Annual Biomaker World Congress 2011
Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Philadelphia PA.
The PROOF Centre will be exhibiting at Booth 11.
April 27, 2011
Special Sceening Event of 65_RedRoses
The Ridge Theatre, Vancouver, BC.…
April 15, 2011
UBC James Hogg Research Centre Friday Seminar Series
Quantitative Multiplexed Protein Biomarker Profiling: Applications in Disease Diagnosis and Translational Medicine by Dominic Eisinger, PhD.
St. Paul’s Hospital, Vancouver, BC.…