The PROOF Centre is a partnership across industry, academia, healthcare, government, patients and the public committed to rapidly discover, implement and commercialize blood tests to address unmet medical needs. By uniting a cross-disciplinary hub of people and teams in a collaborative, not-for-profit model, we can speed up development of these new tests and apply them sooner.

Board of Directors

Dr. Suzanne Vercauteren, MD, PhD
Frank Holler
Bruce Milley
Dr. Bruce McManus, MD, PhD
Dr. Scott Tebbutt, PhD
Dr. Darryl Knight, PhD


Dr. Scott Tebbutt, PhD
Chief Executive Officer/ Chief Scientific Officer
Dr. Raymond Ng, PhD
Chief Informatics Officer
Sara Assadian
Director – Clinical Research
Casey Shannon
Director of Data Science


Dr. Robert Balshaw, PhD
Special Advisor – Statistical Lead
Dr. Chengliang Yang, MD
Research Associate


Daniel He
Graduate Student
Shanay Nishua  
PhD Student 
Abhinav Checkervarty
PhD Student

Estefania Espin
PhD Student