The PROOF Centre was pleased to host a three part webinar series in 2020 titled
“Catalyze Your Precision Medicine Research with Data Science”
In part 1 “Biomarker Discovery in a Big Data World“, presented by Virginia Chen and Casey Shannon, we introduce the concept of molecular biomarkers, biomarker development, and the value biomarkers bring to patients and the healthcare system. But what does it take to find a good biomarker? Learn about some of the challenges you might face, and ways to mitigate various risks. Afterwards, we discuss how the rise of single-cell technologies could transform the field and open up new opportunities.
Part 2: With our ability to acquire massive amounts of data at increasingly lower costs, data integration is becoming an increasingly important tool in scientific research. In this webinar, “Identifying Key Molecular Drivers from Multiple Omics Data“, Dr. Amrit Singh and Daniel He describe common methods of data integration using the mixOmics R package, and apply them on various types of datasets to perform meta-analysis and multimodal omics for disease profiling and biomarker discovery.
Part 3: Learn how to successfully develop biomarkers from discovery to validation to implementation in the webinar “How to Successfully Develop Biomarkers? Key Lessons from the PROOF Experience”, presented by Drs. Zsuzsanna Hollander and Ji-Young Kim.