The 2nd Annual Don Rix Distinguished Keynote Address
Proactive P4 Medicine (predictive, preventive, personalized and participatory): What it is, what it will mean for you and what it will mean for society? by Dr. Leroy Hood
4:30pm to 6:00pm – …
The 2nd Annual Don Rix Distinguished Keynote Address
Proactive P4 Medicine (predictive, preventive, personalized and participatory): What it is, what it will mean for you and what it will mean for society? by Dr. Leroy Hood
4:30pm to 6:00pm – …
2011 Gairdner Scientific Symposium
The University of British Columbia, Life Sciences Centre, Lecture Theatre 1 (LSC1), 2350 Health Sciences Mall, Vancouver, BC.…
CIHR Café Scientifique
Wearing your genes: Can personalized medicine help them fit better?
Friday, October 21, 2011, at 5.30pm. The New Oxford Public House. 1144 Homer Street, Vancouver, BC.
Medicine tends to be one-size-fits all. Most people with
St. Paul’s Hospital Transplant Education Patient Day
Magic Markers and Fewer Biopsies: How Patients, Researchers and Care Teams Change the World by Bruce McManus and Janet Wilson-McManus
St. Paul’s Hospital, New Lecture Theatre, Vancouver, BC.…
Joint Heart + Lung Rounds
Molecular Biomarkers for Better Heart and Lung Care
St. Paul’s Hospital, Hurlburt Auditorium, Vancouver, BC.…