Joint Heart + Lung Rounds
Molecular Biomarkers for Better Heart and Lung Care
St. Paul’s Hospital, Hurlburt Auditorium, Vancouver, BC.…
Joint Heart + Lung Rounds
Molecular Biomarkers for Better Heart and Lung Care
St. Paul’s Hospital, Hurlburt Auditorium, Vancouver, BC.…
Canadian Laboratory Congress Symposium – Proteomics: Dream or Reality
Genomics and Proteomics in the Assessment of Transplant Rejection by Janet Wilson-McManus
Fairmont Hotel, Vancouver, BC.…
UBC James Hogg Research Centre Friday Seminar Series
Biomarkers for Organ Failure Care – Progress and Challenges by Bruce McManus
St. Paul’s Hospital, Gourlay Conference Room, Vancouver, BC…
Special Forum
Progress and Directions in Funding Programs for the Circulatory and Respiratory Sciences: CIHR’s SPOR Initiative by Jean Rouleau
St. Paul’s Hospital, Gourlay Conference Room, Vancouver, BC…
Click here to read about how Dr. McManus and a cross-disciplinary team of researchers at the PROOF Centre of Excellence in Vancouver are doing their best to replace biopsies with a simple blood test.…