Dr. Bruce McManus highlights the importance of the PROOF Centre’s work on this Global TV BC news piece on how smaller charities like the Transplant Research Foundation of BC fight for support. Click here to view the news video.…
$4.6 billion in healthcare costs in Canada by 2030? Click here to learn about the immense burden of COPD.

The PROOF Centre

Blood tests could replace biopsies by 2016
Researchers at the Centre of Excellence for Prevention of Organ Failure (PROOF) are working on sophisticated new blood-based biomarker tests that could ultimately do away with the need for biopsies, replacing them with blood tests. Read more: http://www.theprovince.com/health/Blood+tests+could+replace+biopsies+2016/7593929/story.html#ixzz2DZKJbHac…
December 3, 2012
16th Annual Transplantation Research Day
Monday, December 3, 2012.
Paetzold Auditorium, Vancouver General Hospital.
Keynote lectures include:
Ensign Professor, Yale University, Immunobiology, Dermatology and Phathology, Vice-Chair in Department of Immunobiology for the Section of …