If you are attending one of the following events and would like to meet with a member of the PROOF team, please send us an email at proof@hli.ubc.ca with your request.
- 18th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Heart Failure Society of America (HFSA)
September 14-17, 2014.
Las Vegas, Nevada.
Dr. George Mak will be presenting the poster: A Male-specific mRNA Panel Improves Differentiation between Heart Failure with Reduced and Preserved Ejection Fraction.
Authors: George Mak, Virginia Chen, Zsuzsanna Hollander, Karen KY Lam, Janet E Wilson-McManus, Raymond T Ng, Scott J Tebbutt, Bruce M McManus, Mustafa Toma, Andrew Ignaszewski for PROOF Centre of Excellence, St. Paul’s Hospital, Vancouver, British Columbia; Todd Anderson, Justin Ezekowitz, Gavin Y Oudit, Jason RB Dyck for Alberta HEART
- European Conference on Machine Learning
September 16, 2014.
Nancy, France.
Dr. Raymond Ng will be speaking about Big Data for Personalized Medicine: a case study of Biomarker Discovery.
- International Symposium 2014
September 26-27, 2014.
Berlin, Germany
Dr. Bruce McManus will be talking about Virus-Host Interactions and Cardiac Inflammation in Heart Diseases. He will also co-chair a session called Outlook to the Future of Cardiomyopathy Research.
- Special Seminar, University College London
October 1, 2014.
London, UK.
Dr. Bruce McManus will be giving a seminar titled, The Bloody Road to Better Blood Tests.
- Anorchem KNOCK-OUT Event
October 8, 2014.
Montreal, QC.
Dr. Bruce McManus will be taking on other heavyweight contenders in this unique “Dragons’ Den”-style event, with his talk about Integrating Multiple “Omic Resources”.
- Canadian Cardiovascular Congress
October 25-28, 2014.
Vancouver, BC.
Members of the PROOF Centre team will be on hand. More details to follow.
Connect with PROOF at an upcoming meeting