Looking for a good excuse to share your research on social media? Join us in hijacking the throwback Thursday #tbt hashtag by tweeting your old papers!
The definition of “old” paper is up to you. It can be from the last year, the last decade, or the last century. In other words, articles “in press” and “Epub ahead of print” obviously do not qualify.
Starting today, and for as many Thursdays as you want, tweet a link to an abstract of one of your papers, (or to the paper itself, making sure to adhere to appropriate copyright rules if it’s not an open access article), and include the hashtags #tbt #tweetoldpaper
Encourage your colleagues to do the same by including any other hashtags that are appropriate to your field. For example, for us #biomarkers, #omics, #computation, #heart, #lung, and #kidney come to mind. Other more general hashtags include: #scichat #sciencechat #PhDchat #healthcare #hcsm #highered #scipolicy #scicomm
You’ll have to be creative in order to fit what you want to into Twitter’s 140 character limit.
We’ll start things off with a publication from the PROOF Centre collection: Computational Biomarker Pipeline from Discovery to Clinical Implementation: Plasma Proteomic Biomarkers for Cardiac Transplantation